Ever since I started filming in my TV production class, my views on TV, movies, and videos have changed. Every time I turned my TV on to watch my favorite shows I can now call out every different camera angle they used. I try to figure out if they used sound effects or if it was actually made by the actors and actresses of the film. I also see if there are any better angles that they could have used to make the emotion stronger to the viewer. I also look for cut-to-action time in shows, movies, etc. I see if their timing is on or if it’s too soon or if it’s a little delayed. The lighting is also an important key to filming so I look for the lighting techniques in film. Sometimes I also watch videos on YouTube in my spare time just to look for all the different camera angles, cut-to-action, lighting in the room, etc. 


    Student Producers

    Blog posts include student producers reflecting on the process of filmmaking, working in teams, and evaluating their development as filmmakers.


    January 2012
    December 2011

