Since I've been taking this TV Production class, my work in here has changed the way I watch a film, television, and video. It has changed since last year when I took TV Production 1. Knowing how everything behind the camera works always looked easy to me, but it really isn't. It takes time, patience to make perfect. You have to make sure the editing is just right, the location, lighting, sound, etc. Whenever I see a film, or any having to do with the media I think to my, "that would've looked better a different way." Or sometimes you don't get what their trying to say, in other words their point isn't very clear. I use to never think of these things before, now I catch myself correcting their mistakes through my perspective. Overall, this has been a great experience and an awesome class. It sure has taught me so much more since TV Production 1. I've enjoyed producing, editing, and directing short films, from PSA'S to short commercials. Definently changed the way I see all kinds of media.

- Perla

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    Student Producers

    Blog posts include student producers reflecting on the process of filmmaking, working in teams, and evaluating their development as filmmakers.


    January 2012
    December 2011

